Vodafone manual gprs settings for pc and mobile - working latest tricks and tips for 2012 - 2013

Vodafone  is the best known for its coverage,its also leading gsm operator in India as well as all over the world.As per my opinion  there no other operator providing service like vodafone in india.Downloading and surfing speed of vodafone is unbeatable.But the gprs packs of vodafone are too costly compare to other operators,Here is details to make gprs setting to use gprs in mobile and pc..
Vodafone Gprs Settings
Account Name: Vodafone gprs
User Name: Blank
Pass: Blank
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401 or 9201
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
Settings for pc
Access point: anything [Because docomo is working on dynamic IP ]
Dial no :*99#