How to Disable pendrive in Windows(os) Operating System?
today i am giving a nice trcik to disable your pendrive in windows os.
just do the folllowing steps to disable the pendrive:
  1. Open Run dialog box by pressing Window Button + R key simultaneously.
  2. Type regedit
  3. Browse to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\USBSTOR
  4. Select USBSTOR, On the right hand side you will see a Name property “Start”
  5. Double click on “Start” or just right click “Start” and select modify and change the value from default 3 to 4.
  6. Now just close the entire registry and you are done.
at any time if you want to enable the pendrive, just change the value again from 4 to 3.
windows 2012 latest tips and tricks, pendrive tricks tips, pendrive unlock tips, pendrive lock tricks and tips 2012 2013